Quick note for pydelicious users
If, as I do, you use pydelicious to handle automatically posting links to del.icio.us, you’ll want to take note of the fact that the switch of the del.icio.us API‘s location, previously announced, has happened.
It doesn’t look like pydelicious has updated (and given the spamfest that is their Trac, I wonder if it’s being maintained), so in the meantime here’s the quick fix:
Crack open pydelicious.py
, and change lines 91 and 94 to reflect the new API locations; line 91 should become
DWS_HOSTNAME = 'https://api.del.icio.us/'
And line 94 should become
DWS_API = 'https://api.del.icio.us/v1/'
Since the only thing that’s changed is the name of the server to contact, that seems to clear it right up.