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Entries published on February 19, 2008

2 entries published on this date. See also: all entries published in February 2008, full archive.


Once again, with apologies to John Gruber…

Q: Do standards-based developers have to use X-UA-Compatible if they care about progressive enhancement for future browsers?

A: As I see it, yes.

Q: Doesn’t Internet Explorer already offer a fine-grained way to target specific versions?

A: Yes, definitely.

Q: So if there was a problem with the IE6 to IE7 transition, doesn’t that mean people weren’t properly using an existing tool which could have future-proofed their sites?

A: You may rely on it.

Q: Given that, is it likely that people will properly use a new tool that could future-proof their sites?

A: Very doubtful.

Q: Chris Wilson says …

Entry published February 19, 2008. Read full entry.


It’s sad to reach the point where “epic fail” is the most apt term I can come up with to describe an article by Zeldman, but that’s where I am today. His article “Version Targeting: Threat or Menace?” in today’s ALA is so far off the mark that, honestly, I can’t come up with any other description.

No, Microsoft is not relevant anymore.

No, the default behavior is not correct.

No, the switch does not solve the problems the IE team claims to be fighting.

No, it is not and never will be my responsibility to help Microsoft …

Entry published February 19, 2008. Read full entry.